I Moved to LA!
- Start of our cross-country drive!
- Iggy’s pee pad seat
- Driving through Colorado
It’s been about two months since we packed Iggy into the car and drove cross-country from NYC to LA. And I’m quite content with the decision to move. I love New York City and its nonstop energy but felt like it was time for a change. I seem to get that feeling every 3-4 years so maybe that’s a life rhythm for me. And I’ve always wanted to live in Los Angeles – for the sunshine, the big city with a suburban sense of space (aka it’s roomier here), and of course, the entertainment industry.
Career-wise, my time in NYC was essential: being on Broadway in Chinglish, getting my first credits on network television and in major indie films, and continuing improv through UCB. I grew a LOT in New York and am proud of my work there. But as much as I was auditioning and building relationships with casting directors, it felt like time to shake things up and move on. Los Angeles is the heart of TV/film; for as many projects that shoot in New York, everything else is filmed here. Or is cast here.
(Except for theater. Even regional theater is cast out of New York. So if you want to do theater, live in New York. Or Chicago.)
But right now, I want to do more film and television, and that is mostly cast in Los Angeles, especially the bigger roles. So here I am! Ready…to almost completely start over. I transferred to CESD’s commercial department in LA – so grateful! – but I’m essentially starting from scratch as far as getting to know casting directors, directors and other industry people here. I’m a little nervous about the future and living in that space of the unknown…but I’ll never know if I don’t try, right?
So far, so good. We’ve unpacked (and I’ve been “nesting“), Iggy’s settled in, and I had new headshots taken with Greg Crowder this week. As advertised, the weather is incredibly mild compared to New York or Chicago (July is actually pleasant) and we’re a 10-minute walk from the trails leading up to Griffith Observatory. And the best part is that I’ve already got a community of friends here that moved from Chicago or New York where we first met and have even met some new ones! I miss my pals in NYC but know I’ll be back to visit often – like next month!
I’m excited for this new chapter in life and what lies ahead. Now to find a new theatrical agent…!
- Work Hard, Play Harder
- Today You Are You